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Now how did we begin? Well it started with our teacher and leader who is a man who absolutely fears God. He is someone that the Lord has instructed many times and told him things that have ALL COME TO PASS, no kidding. We have seen and heard tremendous things from this man of God who doesn't behave as if he is above anyone and believe me he loves to joke around but with no lies, seriously. And like the Most High he loves the sinner not the sin.
Now he helps people who are in need as best as he can every month for years with the little that he has and he teaches us that we shouldn't work to gain things only for ourselves but rather we are to do so that we can help those in need (Ephesians 4 v 28).
Now as it happened, almost a year ago, he told the Lord that he wanted to write a song for him as King David did but didn't have the words or the melody, then the Lord gave him a song a few days later. Then a few months ago the Lord started giving him the choruses of song, after song, after song, along with their incredible melodies. The Lord tasked him to put the lyrics together knowing that every word must glorify him which he did. Keep reading it gets more interesting.

One night he awoke to the chorus of the song 'Lord how bout you' which he tried to record on his phone with the intention of going back to sleep. At that moment he said he saw the face of a sister in Christ that he knew and right away the Lord revealed to him that she is to sing the song. Not being able to sleep after that, he got up and started working on it. That very night that same sister had a dream where she saw someone giving her a song and that a very large crowd was eagerly waiting for her to sing that song to them. Then the next day they both spoke of the matter. The Lord had also revealed to him that this song must testify of his dying and going to hell and then was risen to the highest order of heaven. Yea, keep reading it gets better.
When the song lyrics were finished the man of God began to pray and asked the Lord where he should take this song to get it created. He was instructed to do a particular Internet search from which the Lord directed him to the place. When we got there we had to go down into the lower level of the building which was going into the earth (symbolic hell) and it has a studio name that signifies being lifted up to the highest point of any place (symbolic heaven) just as the Lord had said the song would signify, now how serious is that?
When the engineer was told that the song was 5 minutes long he suggested that the song be trimmed down in the production but then when he heard all the lyrics he commented 'You can't cut anything from this song, it must remain as it is.' This was significant as the man of God had already told us when he wrote the song that it was longer than usual but this is how the Lord wanted it. So you can just imagine the joy in our hearts when we heard the engineer's comment. The Lord is faithful!
The 'Oh wow' factor
Nature Reflecting on Crystal Glass

Now let us tell you even more astonishing things that happened with the song production. As it turns out the man of God knew how to 'beat box' (from his school days) but it wasn't the traditional beat box, no, his was more refined.

We listened to him in the studio for the first time and he was playing rhythms with drums and all, which sounded really good. Really! 

Once the engineer started following the man of God's melody arrangement, he saw that it worked pretty well. He soon tossed (so to speak) the man of God into the recording room and recorded the entire drum beats.... yea that's what you are hearing as the drums. See we told you he was good at it.
Now when that initial song production was almost finished, the ending of the song was different as it had a female high pitch but the next day the Lord revealed to the man of God how the end should sound, so when the final details of the song were to be done, he told the engineer how to arrange the end and it sounded way better than the high pitch, just fantastic! This is what you 'the listener' gets to hear when listening to the song. The engineer said there are so many things about this song that are unusual and in a way, shouldn't work but .... it really works. Yea God is in the midst. Thank you Lord!

After the production was completed it was time to see what folks thought about this music food that the Lord prepared.
Here are some of those comments:-
(1) One person said after having the song for a day that she has been listening to the song straight for a few hours, really.
(2) Another with a huge smile said, "This song sounds beautiful, wow!"
(3)  And another, "Wow!!"
(4) Another said, "This sounds really good and that bass, wow."
(5) And as one person puts it, "This has to be one of the most soul searching yet delightful songs that has ever been created".
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All the praise and the glory and the honor belongs to You oh Lord, for all things belongs to you. Praise be to Your Holy Name. The song is clear, its message is clear and we hope that it will bless you even as it has blessed us.

You will find our music hear on our website to listen for free. However should you want to support our work or simply just wanted to own a personal copy of any of our song(s) then you can find them in online music stores like Amazon, Google Play, iTunes, Anghami, MediaNet, Deezer, Instagram/Facebook, iHeartradio, Napster, KKbox, Pandora, Saavn, Shazam, Spotify, Tidal and just about any online music store you can find.

Thank you.

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