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Welcome. We are Chai-El, an American Christian group with the aim to always produce music that is completely Bible based that presents God's Love, counsel, instructions, call to repentance, worship and praise. And we intend to do so in a manner that works like our family structure, a little something for everyone. For just as we have grandparents, parents, and children and each have many things they like in common for example a movie, there are other movies that everyone won't find interesting. It's with this in mind, we chose to present our music with common melodies that the entire family can appreciate and also present different melodies that are more specific to each family group.
We want you to become a part of our family even as we seek to be part of yours, to share in the delight of living faithfully to our Lord and God through His blessed Son our Lord and Savior Jesus (Yeshua) Christ (Hamashiach).
If you love dogs, cats, raccoons (if that's your thing), birds, herds you name it, we welcome you for we love them too. Even Squirrels!
Our hope is to get God's Word to all people across the world in the form of music. It must not only be delightful to listen to but far more important is that it must show the principles of Lord Jesus (Yeshuah). It is intended to encourage and remind us to praise Him in Biblical fashion for all His goodness and to live righteously. 
Get this:- The Holy Spirit is like the wind St. John 3 v 5 to 8, and God's people are like cedar trees that are  firmly rooted Hosea 14 v 5. We know that the tree will be still until the wind moves over it. Everything that God has made moves, even the mountains tremble at the presence of His spirit and everything in creation has its playful side. We want God's people to experience God's Word through music and in a way that moves you in accordance only to God's spirit. 
Here are some of 'God's Word food' that tells us that we were created to enjoy worship and the manner that delights our Heavenly Father:
Psalm 2:4 God, who sits in Heaven, laughs!
Psalm 30:11-12 You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, 12 that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.
Lord my God, I will praise you forever.
Psalm 65:12-13 The grasslands of the wilderness overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness. 13 The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing.
Isaiah 55:12 You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Yeah, we love to praise the Lord!
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